Evaluating touch-screen vibration modality for blind users to access simple shapes and graphics. Accessing visual information becomes a central need for all kinds of tasks and users (from accessing graphics and charts in news articles, to viewing images of items on sale on e-commerce sites), especially for blind users. ...
DetailsEvaluating touch-screen vibration modality for blind users to access simple shapes and graphics (PDF) Evaluating touch-screen vibration modality for blind users to access simple …
DetailsExpressing Braille Through Vibrations: a Portable, Inexpensive Braille Display: Mobile phones have become important tools in modern society, as they have changed the way we communicate, work, and access information. ... However, the majority of the world's blind population cannot afford one, as their prices can range from $3,500 to $15,000 ...
DetailsEven in a world of digital devices, braille continues to be a vital part of life for blind people. For nearly 200 years, this versatile writing system has allowed them to learn, work and live in a ...
DetailsTekli J Issa Y Chbeir R (2018) Evaluating touch-screen vibration modality for blind users to access simple shapes and graphics International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 10.1016/j.ijhcs.2017.10.009 110:C (115-133) Online publication date: 1-Feb-2018
DetailsV-Braille is a novel way to haptically represent Braille characters on a standard mobile phone using the touch-screen and vibration, and may be suitable for deaf-blind people who rely primarily on their tactile sense. V-Braille is a novel way to haptically represent Braille characters on a standard mobile phone using the touch-screen and vibration. V-Braille may …
DetailsEvaluating touch-screen vibration modality for blind users to access simple shapes and graphics (PDF) Evaluating touch-screen vibration modality for blind users to access simple shapes and graphics | Joe Tekli - Academia.edu
DetailsIn this context, our study targets the vibration modality on a touch-screen, and aims to shed some light on how vibration can be perceived by blind testers when accessing …
DetailsEvaluation of Vibration AccessibiLity), in order to test a blind user's ability to tap specific shapes on a touch-screen. A dedicated prototype system has been developed to implement the ...
DetailsAccessing visual information becomes a central need for all kinds of tasks and users (from accessing graphics and charts in news articles, to viewing images of items on sale on e-commerce sites), especially for blind users. In this context, digital ...
DetailsTouchscreen-based smart devices, such as smartphones and tablets, offer great promise for providing blind and visually-impaired (BVI) users with a means for accessing graphics non-visually.
DetailsTechnology plays a significant role in most people's lives. An example is the constantly evolving field of computing. Over the years, computing has shifted towards mobility, with mobile computing arguably one of the greatest innovations of our time. From being stuck on a desktop computer and confined to a desk, we ar…
DetailsTo discover how visually impaired volunteers would prefer to receive these vibrations, the team developed two different presentation methods. In the first, the user touches the screen on the left-hand side to read whether or not there is a bump in that position of the matrix, then moves their finger horizontally across the screen to read the remaining five dots.
DetailsTouchscreen Feedback. When using touchscreen interfaces, by timing a vibration pulse in coordination with on-screen events users can feel the simulated tactility of on-screen buttons. In these applications, there are certain motor characteristics which influence the …
DetailsWired Backup Camera with 7'' Touch Screen Monitor, Rear View Camera System for Truck/RV/Trailer/Tractor, Colorful Night Vision&10G Vibration Truck Rv Camera System, AHD1080P : Electronics
DetailsEvaluation of touch screen vibration accessibility for blind users ... Issa, Y. B., Tekli, J., & Chbeir, R. (2013, October). Evaluation of touch screen vibration accessibility for blind users. In Proceedings of the 15th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (p. 48). ACM. en_US: dc.conference.date: October 21 - 23 ...
DetailsThe first one is the "audio and touch screen" mode. In this case, the application guides the users towards a specific destination point only in an auditory form. The orientation …
DetailsHaptic Smart Band with Mapping App. Navigation Using only Vibration. Helped Blind Marathoner Make History. Hiking. Travel. Running. Deaf. Accessibility. International. Bike. Skateboard. Visit the WAYBAND Store. 1.7 1.7 out of 5 stars 6 ratings | Search this page . $249.00 $ 249. 00.
DetailsEvaluation of Touch Screen Vibration Accessibility for Blind Users Amine Awada LIUPPA Lab., Univ. of Pau and Adour Countries IUT de Bayonne, CS Dept. 64000 Anglet, France amine.awada@ etud.univ-pau.fr Youssef Bou Issa Faculty of Engineering Antonine University 40016, Baabda, Lebanon youssef.bouissa@ upa.edu.lb Joe Tekli School of …
DetailsTo achieve this, we develop a detailed experimental protocol, EVIAC, testing a blind userâ s capacity in learning, understanding, distinguishing and identifying basic geometric objects …
DetailsDOI: 10.1016/j.ijhcs.2018.01.005 Corpus ID: 4098531; Evaluating Fitts' law on vibrating touch-screen to improve visual data accessibility for blind users @article{Lahib2018EvaluatingFL, title={Evaluating Fitts' law on vibrating touch-screen to improve visual data accessibility for blind users}, author={Manahel El Lahib and Joe Tekli and Youssef Bou Issa}, journal={Int. J. Hum. …
DetailsThe goal of this work is to provide a computerized solution, investigating the use of the vibrating touch screen technology in providing a contour-based presentation of simple images for visually impaired users, which could prove very useful in allowing blind people to access geographic maps, to navigate autonomously inside and outside buildings, as well as to …
DetailsBuy 7" AHD1080P Wired Backup Camera System with Touch Monitor, Rear View Camera with IR Night Vision & IP68,Vibration Rating 10G, Recording, ... The 7'' full touch screen with AHD 1080P backup camera is just right for trucks, RVs, trailers, to observe front or rear view, trailer hitch, etc.; and even as a backup camera for tractors and other ...
DetailsVBraille: Haptic Braille Perception using a Touch-screen and Vibration on Mobile Phones Chandrika Jayant, Christine Acuario, William A. Johnson, Janet Hollier, Richard E. Ladner Computer Science and Engineering Department University of Washington Box 352350 Seattle, WA 98195-2350 {cjayant, chriacua, willij6, hollijr, ladner}@cs.washington.edu ABSTRACT V …
DetailsEvaluation of Touch Screen Vibration Accessibility for Blind Users Amine Awada LIUPPA Lab., Univ. of Pau and Adour Countries IUT de Bayonne, CS Dept. 64000 Anglet, France …
DetailsAIO-5 Lite is a next-gen navigation and infotainment system designed specifically for motorcyclists. Compact and user-friendly, it offers advanced features that seamlessly integrate navigation, entertainment, communication, and dashcam functionality. Riders can easily access maps, music, hands-free calls, and record their journeys—all in one sleek device.
DetailsAn experimental prototype, entitled EVIAC (EValuation of VIbration Accessibility), allowing visually impaired users to access simple contour-based images using vibrating touch screen technology is presented. In this demo paper, we briefly present our experimental prototype, entitled EVIAC (EValuation of VIbration Accessibility), allowing visually impaired …
DetailsA gadget for a multimedia management of computing devices enables the blind and the visually impaired to use desktop computers, laptops, tablet PCs, handheld PCs, smart phones and all other mobile computing devices which use a screen that is touch sensitive to communicate with users, and that can convert that touch into vibrations of different intensity or frequency.
DetailsCek seri HP, cek layar sentuh/touchscreen & cek kesehatan secara online gratis Cepat Hafal Cara mudah cepat hafal dengan dengar berulang-ulang, dilengkapi penghitung pengulangan otomatis (counter) Awas ! Cek Penipu + Lapor Penipuan Online Cek nomor HP tidak dikenal, KTP, dan rekening penipu atau bukan sebelum bertransaksi #BersatuLawanPenipu ...
Detailsreduced touch -screen surface coverage, and low correlation between the surface of the target shape and the tester ¶V vibration trails. The latter issues need to be further investigated to produce optimal recipes for using touch -screen technology to support image accessibility for …
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DetailsIn this work, we examine the user experience of arm-localized vibrations delivered away from the touchscreen through a connected wearable. In a controlled experiment, fourteen participants used a touchscreen in eyes-free mode, while receiving single-pulse vibrations on the index finger, wrist, or forearm as confirmatory feedback of their on ...
DetailsBuy RV Backup Camera System with 10.36'' 4K Monitor for RV Truck Bus Trailer with 4 Rear/Side View 1080P HD Cameras 4 Splits Touch Screen DVR Recording IP69 Waterproof Bluetooth Music Video Avoid Blind: Vehicle Backup Cameras - Amazon FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases
DetailsSummary. TouchscreenTest offers a comprehensive solution for testing touchscreen performance. Equipped with features such as grid layout testing, precise tap and draw accuracy, intuitive color feedback, dead pixel detection, touch count tracking, draggable menu, and robust multi-touch compatibility, it's an ideal tool for tech enthusiasts, developers, and everyday …
DetailsEvaluation of Vibration AccessibiLity), in order to test a blind user's ability to tap specific shapes on a touch-screen. A dedicated prototype system has been developed to implement the ...
DetailsIn this context, the goal of our study is to shed light on how the vibration modality can be perceived by blind users when accessing simple contour-based images and visual graphics on a touch-screen.
DetailsPE series jaw crusher is usually used as primary crusher in quarry production lines, mineral ore crushing plants and powder making plants.